Fishin Trips (Coming Events)

  • Greg's Fishin' Hole To Re-Open!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Letting The Clutch Out

Just a little update on The Fishin Hole and what we're up to. Since the last blog update here in June, I have been moving ahead as God directs and waiting in other areas as He directs. I haven't always waiting on God's timing, even when I have had the best of intentions, if I believed God was showing me to do something, then it was "automatically" time to do it.

Like driving a car with an automatic transmission, I would hit the gas and go wide open. After being taught that my timing didn't always match God's, I allowed Him to put a clutch in my "God's timing" transmission. Short version, push in the clutch when He shows me something, then let it out and push the gas when He says.

So, in the last few months, we put His plan into first gear and we are about to shift into second at The Fishin Hole!

First gear was starting a men's group. We've been at this for about six weeks. It's been awesome. Born out of that, a few of the guys in the group have started another men's group that they lead.

Second gear is that God has identified some organizations that He wants me to support. These include various ministries that support the poor, needy, homeless, widows and orphans. I am excited and looking forward to shifting into second, all the while waiting in anticipation of third gear.

Check out the blog reports below to see how this came about and how it has been progressing.

And PLEASE pray for us to follow Him closely, but not get ahead.

Drop me a line,


Sunday, June 30, 2013

Lets Go Fishin!

OK, here goes! If you have read the last two blogs here you have an idea what's up. The Fishin Hole (the place) is not ready for meetings yet, but The Fishin Hole (the mission) is ready to start. This verse really prompted me to move forward now: "Put your outdoor work in order and get your fields ready; after that, build your house." (Proverbs 24:27)

So on Thursday, July 11th at 7pm, if you are interested in The Fishin Hole as a ministry in whole or in part (including Men's small groups, support of ministries to the homeless, widows, orphans, the poor and needy, among other things) join us!

We will meet at The Dock of the May (actually inside in the Galley) as it will certainly be a little warm outside! If you are planning to come (and I pray you will) call me, reply here in the comments or at and I will give you directions if you need them. If you cannot come PLEASE pray for us to be guided by His will and plan!

I am truly excited and expectant and look forward to seeing you all.

Drop me a line,


Saturday, June 22, 2013

Waiting Until It's His Time

I sent these next two paragraphs (partially edited) to someone I seek Godly counsel from:

"I've spent quite a bit of down time over the past 12-18 months (ministry wise), not bad though, good personal time with God! It was what I might call a bookend time. Starting with publishing "Crewed Awakening" and ending with a Men's Bible study I just finished called "It's in the Toolbox." It goes to the printer next month. In between the two books it seemed like a lot was happening including two sons getting married, a new grandbaby and busy life in general. 
In the last few weeks God has been stirring me to follow Him in some things. I can't tell you how increasingly anxious and excited I became, yet He seemed to be having me wait in taking any action until yesterday. As much as I didn't want to wait, I did, I've learned that it's not a good idea to run ahead of Him. I'll be reopening Greg's Fishin' Hole in the near future with additional emphasis on supporting organizations that serve the poor, needy, widows, orphans, homeless, etc. I'm totally open to God in this and I am not limiting Him but expecting more than I could ask or imagine. Such as a bigger place for the Fishin Hole, others coming along side in this ministry and whatever else He wants it to be. I would much appreciate your prayers and guidance in these matters."
The waiting wasn't easy as the excitement was building in me, but two mornings ago He showed me what actions to begin. I didn't "put out a fleece" or anything of the sort. I wasn't seeking confirmation. I just felt Him nudging me in my spirit to begin to move forward. So I was in no way expecting what happened next.
I had put the garbage can out by the street the night before. After it had been picked up by the truck I went to bring it back into the yard. Laying beside the garbage can was a doormat I have never seen before; it has printed on it "Fish Market" and a picture of a fish! Are you kidding me!
We are to be "Fishers Of Men", laying down ourselves as we feed those in need with both spiritual and physical food. Wanna go fishing with me?
Drop me a line,

Friday, June 21, 2013

The Come Back!

After two books, two weddings, a grandbaby and many other exciting events; Greg's Fishin' Hole will re-open in the near future! I am truly excited and expectant as I anticipate an expanded Mission for Greg's Fishin' Hole along with it's original purpose.

I have been seeking God about this and look forward to sharing this with you in the days and weeks to come. I have and will continue to seek Godly counsel for this endeavor from my personal spiritual mentors and those willing to be involved in this calling, beginning with those of you who have been in this with me all along.

Also, if you have a heart for helping widows, orphans, the poor, the needy and the homeless, please pray about joining us in this effort. I believe we are to begin with our support of those people and organizations that are already doing this type of ministry. If we are led to expand into more hands on service as we move along, then we will proceed in that call as well.

So much more later! Please watch for daily updates including more of what God is showing me and a confirmation that will truly amaze you!

If you would like to contact me about this, you can leave a comment here or on my e-mail at I excitedly await your replies!

Drop me a line,
