Fishin Trips (Coming Events)

  • Greg's Fishin' Hole To Re-Open!

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Lets Go Fishin!

OK, here goes! If you have read the last two blogs here you have an idea what's up. The Fishin Hole (the place) is not ready for meetings yet, but The Fishin Hole (the mission) is ready to start. This verse really prompted me to move forward now: "Put your outdoor work in order and get your fields ready; after that, build your house." (Proverbs 24:27)

So on Thursday, July 11th at 7pm, if you are interested in The Fishin Hole as a ministry in whole or in part (including Men's small groups, support of ministries to the homeless, widows, orphans, the poor and needy, among other things) join us!

We will meet at The Dock of the May (actually inside in the Galley) as it will certainly be a little warm outside! If you are planning to come (and I pray you will) call me, reply here in the comments or at and I will give you directions if you need them. If you cannot come PLEASE pray for us to be guided by His will and plan!

I am truly excited and expectant and look forward to seeing you all.

Drop me a line,


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